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Ensure Success by


We are here to guide you towards a career that can compete in the world of future.

Set Your Goal

Let your passion BE your profession.

It is time to choose the career that suits you best.

Beyond Education Consultancy, which helps students and individuals reach their unique goals by determining the work they will do throughout their lives, offers personalized solutions by working with students and their families. As the Harrison Assessments Consulting Partner, we can determine which professions are suitable for the person and guide them before they start a career journey.

Setting your goal is half the way

Image by Ian Schneider
Image by MD Duran
Mutlu Çocuklar Huddle

Career Choices Assessment

Make your choice of profession by discovering yourself and your interests with Harrisson Assessments.


Study Abroad Guidance

Determine the way you will reach your goal by choosing your country, school and department.

Summer Schools and Academic Trainings

Improve your social and academic skills in the summer.

Be the designer of your Future!

As Beyond Education Consultancy, we aim to plan the social and academic infrastructure that will enable students to be strong in the future world and guide them to the required education, while offering programs that will support families who strive to offer the best for their children to maximize their potential. As our precious children make their way to young adulthood, we become a strong supporter of career success by guiding them to discover their future professions.
Our unique approach makes us both different and successful. We help and guide your children to reach their dreams in line with their talents and competencies.

Evaluation of Profession Preferences

In the international career development evaluation system, you can choose the most suitable profession for you and determine your goals correctly.

Mimari Çizim

Training Planning

We help the student, who has determined his goal, to make the necessary preparations to go to the major of his choice by drawing the path he or she will go.


Out-of-School Activity Planning

Planning activities that will support the social and emotional development of the student outside of school are beneficial on a country basis in the school application process.

Needs Analysis and Support

We determine the necessary support by determining the needs of young people who decide to study abroad and set their goals in line with their planning.

Matematik Formülleri
Sınavlar çıkarak öğrenciler

Planning and Preparation for Standard Tests

Achieve your goals by planning exams such as IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, ACT, AP, IB.

Preferences and Applications

It enables preparations to be made by listing the most suitable schools for their goals and determining the entry requirements.

Üniversite kampüsü


University of Glasgow
University of Nottingham
Manchester University
The University of Vermont
Fordham University
University of Bristol
King's College London
oxford brookes univeristy
University of Toronto
Brown University
University of Birmingham
University of Sussex
University of Massachusetts Amherts
Ringling College of Art and Design
UC Davis University of California
Trinity College Dublin
The University of Warwick
Universty of McGill
Syracuse University
University of Essex
Tilburg University
Hanzehogeschool Groningen University of Applied Sciences
University of Amsterdam
university of groningen
University of Exeter
Queen Mary University of London
Cardiff University
Western University Canada
Goldsmiths University of London
University of Reading
NABA university
Bocconi University
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Maryland Institute College of Art
Durham Logo_edited.png
IED Logo.png
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